
Friday 7 July 2017

Get Rid of These 5 Bottle Feeding Mistakes to Ensure Baby’s Health!

Each and every girl goes through a transition phase in her life, not once but twice. The first transition is when she becomes a wife from a daughter and the second transition is when she becomes a mother from a wife. All the three roles remain as it is for the rest of her life but the role of mother is what truly makes her the real woman! This is why our mothers do so much for us for which we love her like anything. 
Having said that, the feeling of being a mother is awesome but it comes with a lot of responsibilities. After breastfeeding a child, the mother is supposed to shift the milk flow from her breasts to the bottle. According to Hegen Feeding Bottles experts, most of the mothers commit the following bottle feeding mistakes which are not healthy for their baby.

5 Bottle Feeding Mistakes to Avoid to Ensure Baby’s Health

1. The Bottle Selection

The first and foremost step to ensure the safety of your baby is to pick up the right bottle for him/her. There are a lot of companies out there which manufacture a wide range of feeding bottles and the biggest mistake mothers make is by choosing a fancy bottle over a quality one. Women have this need of beauty and they want to incorporate the same in everything but one should always select a branded bottle that ensures quality rather than the design.

2. The Correct Proportions
If you are bottle feeding your baby for the first time, it is important to maintain the right proportions of the milk so as to make the baby comfortable while sucking it. Ask your doctor if you are not sure of the right quantity of water and milk mixture. Milk from the local stores is not as smooth as a mother’s milk of which the baby is used to. So, adopt a careful approach with the Hegen Feeding Bottles for the same.

3. Force Feeding
We all know how mothers care for and want their baby to eat as much as they can. Mothers, especially the new ones need to understand that their child has a fixed appetite and overfeeding may result in vomit or other unwanted incidents. Small babies cannot speak, therefore mothers need to understand how much the capacity of their child is and feed accordingly. 

4. Microwaving
In order to boil the milk, mothers tend to microwave it which is not a recommended option at all. The reason behind this is the fact that this activity leads to the depletion of essential vitamins and minerals present in the milk which is vital for the nourishment of your baby. 

5. Letting Baby Feed
This is last but not the least and counts a lot literally. Allowing the babies to feed on their own is not a wise decision at all. There is no doubt that they can suck the milk themselves but this creates a chance of choking, which a baby is not able to bear at this point in time. Do you really wish to take that risk? So, get up and choose a high-quality feeding bottle from a top brand like hegen Singapore and avoid these silly mistakes!


  1. Bottle-feeding using milk formulas must be done with extra care and the amount of feeding must be monitored to avoid the risk that comes with it.
